1. catching multiple fish in a short amount of time with zen like patience.
1. a specific time of day were Takumi Ito is on a roll aka a fish catching frenzy.
*Note, this is not food related and should not be confused with “Taco Time” or “Taco Tuesday”.

May 14, 2022
Bassmaster Elite
bassmaster Elite Pro Angler
bassmaster Pro Angler
fat bass
Fat Bass Apparel
fat bass taku ito
Fat Bass Takumi Ito
fat bass X Taku Ito
smallmouth love taku
Taku Ito
Taku Ito Bassmaster Elite
Taku Ito Fat Bass Buffs
Taku Ito Fat Bass Neck Gaiter
taku ito giant bass
taku time
Takumi Ito
Takumi Ito Neck Gaitor